RS Meeting Ideas

Lindsay Ward 
Relief Society Night
Our focus this year has been to hold monthly RS night classes to  help the sisters and their families become self reliant in the following six areas from the church's manual "Providing in the Lord's Way:A Leader's Guide"
1.  Spiritual Strength-Two Classes were held in two different months.  One focused on the importance of "Being 'fit'  Spiritually through Scripture Study, Temple Attendance, FHE, and Sunday Worship" and the other on "How to Prepare to Worship in the Temple and the importance of regular Temple Attendance."
2.  Education-We held a class where 3 different women shared information on how to increase our secular knowledge "With or Without a Classroom"
3.  Health-We had a class where the first half focuses on nutrition and proper proportions and the second half of the class was full of hands on physical fitness and toning exercises taught by a sister who'd gotten her degree in those areas.
4.  Employment-This topic was somewhat covered in our Education night through emphasizing proper education or furthering your current education prepares you to be more marketable or prepared for changes that may occur in the future.
5.  Home Storage-We called a canning specialist that offered separate classes (than our usual monthly night meeting) once a month in her home or other sister's homes.  Some of those classes included pressure canning meats and other foods, making bread, making home-made yogurt, etc., and provided weekly handouts or emails about products from the cannery or other places to add to your current home storage.
6.  Finances-A class was held at the beginning of the year with the emphasis of living within your means, saving tips, paying off mortgages sooner, and coping strategies on how to say "No, I don't need/want _______."
In addition to these classes we also held classes for Emergency Preparedness, Non-tradtional addictions (video games, cell phones, shopping, etc.) and a dinner where we addressed the Importance of Visiting Teaching.  We did not hold a class in July, Sept. (we encouraged sister to attend the General RS Broadcast), and we don't hold one in December either.
All classes are started with a 15-20 minute lesson on the "spiritual or doctrine" aspect of the topic and the remaining 40 minutes is spent "how to apply what we've learned."