October 18, 2011

Humanitarian Morning

October 20, 2011
Please join the fun from 9:00-12:00.
Following this workshop there will only be one left before the end of the year. That will be November 3rd. After that we will be done for the year!
Thanks so much for all you have done to help out our program this year!!

October 3, 2011

Stake Day of Service

Dear Members of the Val Vista Stake,
We invite you to participate in a Stake Service Day on Saturday,
October 22nd from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This project is to benefit
the Mesa Child Crisis Center and will be in support of their 5K/1K
Walk-Run activity with Children?s activities and family fun.
This event will be held at Mesa Riverview Park, Dobson Rd.
and 8th Street.
How Can You Serve?
1. Set-up Helpers: Arrive Promptly at 7:00 am, 50 ? 75 Volunteers
2. Safety & Event Helpers: 8:00 ? 10:00 am, 35 ? 50 Volunteers
3. Safety & Event Helpers: 10:00 ? 12:00 pm, 35 ? 50 Volunteers
4. Clean-up Helpers: 12:00 ? 1:00 pm (Youth) All
Sign-up Sheets will be passed in each Ward on October 9th and 16th.
Family Activities & Fun Run/Walks are available from 8:30 ? 12:00,
(before or after your service).
Register for 5K/1K Walk/Runs at: http://childcrisis.donorpages.com.
Volunteers run for free. Our team is ?VVLDS? and our password is
?service?. Join us or create your team and seek pledges if you wish.
Donations Needed
Gift Cards for groceries (Wal-Mart, Basha?s, Target), Pajamas sizes
3 to 12, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Diapers of all sizes, Wipes,
Nix Shampoo, RID Spray, small Bikes w/ Training Wheels, small
Baseball Mitts, Funds for Industrial Vacuum Cleaner and Industrial
Can Opener.
Bring donations to Park or Stake Center, 8 am ? 11 am.
We recognize that some wards have also planned service projects
on this date. If your ward has its own project, please support it and
do your best to support the Stake Service Day in any way that you
can, whether with your presence or with your donations.
Thank You for the many ways in which you serve.
Gilbert Val Vista Stake Presidency

September 29, 2011

Mark you calendars...

Stake Auxiliary Training
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Stake Center

This training is for all Relief Society Presidencies
and all Relief Society teachers!

Sunday dress

Many hands make light work...

Just in case you didn't know...
Our humanitarian mornings are some of the most amazing mornings that we have. Many talented hands creating all kinds of loving relief to those in need.
We have three more mornings this year to participate:
October 6th---9:00-12:00
October 2oth---9:00-12:00
November 3rd---9:00-12:00
All are located at the stake center.

October/November collecting pillows, pillow cases,
mattress covers, twin & full white or light colored
sheet sets, towels, face cloths, pots, pans, dishes, small
appliances, utensils, anything for the kitchen
Drop off location to be determined

September 25, 2011

What a wonderful night!
President Uchtdorf filled our hearts and minds with sweet

the general presidency inspired us, every one.
We are so grateful for dedicated, loving leaders that know just how to fill us.
A giant helping of the spirit and then....

The sweetness of sharing time with each other.

A very special thank you to Linda for her decorating talents.
He quilt making prowess brought the feeling autumn warmth.

Spiritually fed, then bring on these wonderful ladies.
Jill, Marianne, Terol and the kitchen cast and crew!
It was wonderfully delicious!

So many beautiful women with warm smiles and
fun friendship....

The pies were A-mazing! Thank you all for your wonderful contributions!
These pictures pretty much sum up the wonder of it all...thank you for coming.
We love you very much.

September 21, 2011

Come, Listen to a prophet's voice

September 3, 2011

Personal Profiles..wanted!

We have been encouraged to go to www.mormon.org (link in sidebar) and create our own personal profiles. Don't delay! Enjoy the fun and personal introspection this opportunity gives as well as the new, inspiring and fun people you can get to know.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, September 11, 2011
A special broadcast:

9/11: Rising Above
Check out the link below for more information:
